Burg Klempenow

06/07 – 24/09/02

In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, embedded in the chain of hills of the Tollense valley, stands a centuries-old border fortress – Burg Klempenow (castle). The Kultur-Transit-96 e. V. association was founded in 1991 by a group of friends who set out to make use of the new freedoms with enthusiasm and high hopes. Despite the changing lives of the founders and new members, the goals of the association have remained the same: to rehabilitate the castle complex and strengthen it as a cultural venue in the region, to preserve the monument as testimony to the past, to foster the realisation of present-day ideas and visions, and to pass on what has been achieved to our children and grandchildren.

The tower of this building, large parts of which have now been lovingly restored, looks out onto the pig breeding and fattening facility in Alt Tellin where about 50,000 sows and piglets died in a fire on 30 March 2021. The castle is an ideal site for thinking about PIG CONSCIOUSNESS.

© Burg Klempenow e.V.


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